Friday, December 9, 2011

KiCk StAnD /~ FoR SAIL.......

Here's a nice heavy kickstand up for grabs 25 shipped.
Also up on the 33'
General wear on bottom from being used......

OK Guys I have up for grabs these Iron cross mirrors in good shape
Askin'35 shipped for them they came off a roller I bought a few years back...
any ??'s let me know. ALso have them up on the 33'

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shop View

I Love This Place Small but effective


You Never Know What You're Gonna Find in the Alley!


4 boxes and 6 months later CaLiCo finally left the shed!
she will be back soon for a shake down, oil change, push
rod adjustment and front fork seals. Then its winter storage
til Daytona. Owner says she's runnin' good and that is what
we like to hear!