Friday, December 9, 2011

KiCk StAnD /~ FoR SAIL.......

Here's a nice heavy kickstand up for grabs 25 shipped.
Also up on the 33'
General wear on bottom from being used......

OK Guys I have up for grabs these Iron cross mirrors in good shape
Askin'35 shipped for them they came off a roller I bought a few years back...
any ??'s let me know. ALso have them up on the 33'

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shop View

I Love This Place Small but effective


You Never Know What You're Gonna Find in the Alley!


4 boxes and 6 months later CaLiCo finally left the shed!
she will be back soon for a shake down, oil change, push
rod adjustment and front fork seals. Then its winter storage
til Daytona. Owner says she's runnin' good and that is what
we like to hear!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

For Starters!

Hey Ya'll   This is......  The Real Way!    A blog spot to showcase what's going on in my little world that I would like to share with the information super highway travelers.... uh  er  umm my blogspot visitors  
So if your down...  get in get comfy and hang on and here we go!